
Data Analytics of Survey Questions

Collected open-ended survey questions and used machine learning to find actionable insights from translated responses


Oil & Gas Company

Mozambique, Africa

 An oil and gas company required a deeper understanding of the local residents’ perceptions of a major project. Residents live in a Portuguese-speaking area of Mozambique, and the client required English reports with a short turn-around time. Tessellations conducted, translated and analyzed on-site surveys of stakeholders.

The socio-economic survey included both short-form and open-ended questions. Longer, open-ended text responses, while historically create inconsistent conclusions, provide deeper and more compelling insights than shorter form questions. Tessellations used the power of machine learning and natural language processing to analyze the responses and extract useful and consistent information.

Services Provided:

Data Collection via Field Surveys

Rapid Translation

Data Analysis

Develop Action Plans



  • Collecting open-ended field survey responses with quick translations from Portuguese to English
  • Using conventional statistical analysis to summarize data
  • Leveraging natural language processing and machine learning to uncover deeper insights from open-ended questions
  • Developing action plans to manage and shape residents‘ perceptions


Notable Accomplishments

Tessellations summarized the key stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations, analyzed the efficacy of the client‘s current policies, and provided actionable plans based on differently affected groups.